Ag Speedlinking: 01.15.08
I was actually thinking today I'd drop the Ag Speedlinking posts. Rounding up the links every day has helped me be more informed, which is good, but I was feeling like maybe the posts are cluttering up the blog. But then ang commented that the posts are helpful, so I guess I'll keep on with them. I'm going to be redesigning the blog bit by bit this year, so at some point I may try to move these to a sidebar or something. Anybody else out there have an opinion?
Countdown to the 2008 Farm Bill: Part III
Organic production and research
The third in a series of five farm bill fact sheets from the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
MSU researcher finds renewed interest in turning algae into fuel
"The same brown algae that cover rocks and cause anglers to slip while fly fishing contain oil that can be turned into diesel fuel, says a Montana State University microbiologist."
Livestock pollution turns off young Iowans
An op-ed piece from Sunday's Des Moines Register
Countdown to the 2008 Farm Bill: Part III
Organic production and research
The third in a series of five farm bill fact sheets from the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
MSU researcher finds renewed interest in turning algae into fuel
"The same brown algae that cover rocks and cause anglers to slip while fly fishing contain oil that can be turned into diesel fuel, says a Montana State University microbiologist."
Livestock pollution turns off young Iowans
An op-ed piece from Sunday's Des Moines Register
I like seeing then as an entry. It is good stuff to read. I wonder if it is in the sidebar will it get lost?
I'm relatively new to your blog, but I've seen a few rounds of your speedlink posts already and I always find them useful. I'd say a sidebar version would be fine, except that I generally check in via Google reader and I fear that I would never remember to come to the blog and check the sidebar. Don't feel obligated to continue, though!
fm - thanks for the feedback! If people aren't annoyed by them I'll keep doing them. I certainly get a lot of benefit out of doing them.
meg - good point about reading from a feed, I hadn't thought of that! I'll keep on with them then. Thanks!
Kelli, I don't know how much changing you are going to do with your blog. But if blogger would let you put all "speedlinking" posts in one category that would be great. It would make it very easy to refer back too.
Now I'm going back to drool over that ham you cooked. :) yummy-licious!
ang - excellent suggestion! I haven't used the category feature of blogger yet. Speedlinks would be the perfect place to start. Thanks!
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