Ag Speedlinking: 01.14.08
Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers
"...these new market opportunities, particularly in farmers' markets, community supported agriculture (CSA), roadside stands, restaurants and cooperatives, require expertise in selling as well as marketing, production and financial management."
Action Alert: Oppose USDA's Proposed "Naturally Raised" Label (Word document)
The deadline for submitting comments is January 28. This document gives some possible talking points to get you started.
"Food & Faith - Listening for God's Call to Sustainability, a workshop by Michael Schut, (pronounced "Skut") a well-known educator and editor/author of two books "Food and Faith" and "Simpler Living, Compassionate Life", will hold a workshop/retreat at Walnut Hills United Methodist Church, 12321 Hickman Road, Urbandale, IA 50323 on Saturday, January 26, 2008 – 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. This is Free and Open to the Public. $10 Good will Donation Accepted.
Cellulosic ethanol promises $1 per gallon fuel from waste
"The advanced new approach...promises to make ethanol cheaply and efficiently from virtually anything organic-based. The long list of possible sources include used tires, crop waste, sewage, household kitchen waste, yard waste etc."
"...these new market opportunities, particularly in farmers' markets, community supported agriculture (CSA), roadside stands, restaurants and cooperatives, require expertise in selling as well as marketing, production and financial management."
Action Alert: Oppose USDA's Proposed "Naturally Raised" Label (Word document)
The deadline for submitting comments is January 28. This document gives some possible talking points to get you started.
"Food & Faith - Listening for God's Call to Sustainability, a workshop by Michael Schut, (pronounced "Skut") a well-known educator and editor/author of two books "Food and Faith" and "Simpler Living, Compassionate Life", will hold a workshop/retreat at Walnut Hills United Methodist Church, 12321 Hickman Road, Urbandale, IA 50323 on Saturday, January 26, 2008 – 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. This is Free and Open to the Public. $10 Good will Donation Accepted.
Cellulosic ethanol promises $1 per gallon fuel from waste
"The advanced new approach...promises to make ethanol cheaply and efficiently from virtually anything organic-based. The long list of possible sources include used tires, crop waste, sewage, household kitchen waste, yard waste etc."
Kelli, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you doing the speedlinking. You've shared some wonderful information with you fellow farmers. Take care, ang.
ang - good thing you said something, because I was thinking I was going to drop these posts! Thanks for the feedback.
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