h g

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ag Speedlinking: 01.13.08

Food for the Future : Organic farming takes root in post-bomb Bali
"Amidst the hubbub of support for large-scale industrialisation of agriculture, there were also smaller voices talking about alternative approaches to agricultural development: returning to traditional crops, locally-based sustainable development, agri- and/or eco-tourism and organic production."


Biofuels Sustainability: Nation's Ecological Scientists Weigh in on Biofuels
"Current grain-based ethanol production systems damage soil and water resources in the U.S. and are only profitable in the context of tax breaks and tariffs".


Support your local farmers
"The next frontier is teaching kids that food isn't just something you buy in a box and pop in a microwave, it's something that's grown in a field, you buy in a farmers' market, you take home and you actually cut up and cook."



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