View from the cheap seats

This is Madeline, batting for her travel team "Osage Pink". Like the hot pink polka-dot socks?
Our summer evenings these days go like this. Matt gets off work and he and Madeline do chores. Then he and the kids head for the lawn to work on pitching practice for Madeline, and batting practice for all three of them. I either watch, or shag balls for them. We head to a ball game, or two if both girls are playing on the same night. (In that case we're at the ball diamond from 5:30 until 9:00.) Come home, and Madeline usually wants to work on pitching and batting again until it's too dark to see the ball. Olivia and I get the horse out and go for a ride. Rafe catches lightning bugs.
I love the time spent outdoors, the summertime activities, the long days, warm weather and light summer breezes. The feeling of grass under my bare feet. Cows out grazing. Visiting with everyone at the ball game. Watching the kids' skills improve, cheering them on when they make an out or hit a double, cheering them up when they don't pull out a win. A sweaty, dirty, shirtless boy, skin tanned dark brown, hair lightened by the sun. Tonight I was wishing I could capture it, store it, and hit "play back" sometime next winter. Is it weird to feel sentimental, to long for something while you're still in the middle of it?
It's been a crazy month. The house is never clean, not all at once anyway. The laundry is never caught up. Supper is either a fend-for-yourself event, or concession stand food. Olivia's last game was tonight. After Madeline's park-&-rec team tournaments the next two nights, and a triple-header for her travel team on Saturday, ball will be over for this summer. And I'm already starting to miss it.