A little genealogy
As I was going through pictures tonight I came across this one that one of my kids took last weekend at a 4-H family potluck.

Recently I connected with a cousin, Kim, in California. (Hi Kim!) So I thought I'd post this picture of myself and she can tell me if there's any family resemblance to her branch of the Mehmen family tree.

Personally I think I bear a resemblance to this woman, my great-grandmother, Grace Hovenga Mehmen. Except that my face is longer.

But that part might have come from this guy, my grandpa, Frances Cornelius "Fritz" Mehmen. He definitely had the longer face.
What do you think?
Shout out if you have any Mehmen's or Hovenga's or Oeltjenbruns' in your family tree. (Think my dad's side of the family is very German at all?)

Recently I connected with a cousin, Kim, in California. (Hi Kim!) So I thought I'd post this picture of myself and she can tell me if there's any family resemblance to her branch of the Mehmen family tree.

Personally I think I bear a resemblance to this woman, my great-grandmother, Grace Hovenga Mehmen. Except that my face is longer.

But that part might have come from this guy, my grandpa, Frances Cornelius "Fritz" Mehmen. He definitely had the longer face.
What do you think?
Shout out if you have any Mehmen's or Hovenga's or Oeltjenbruns' in your family tree. (Think my dad's side of the family is very German at all?)
i think you are right about you and your grandmothers similarities. it's in the eyes.
this is a great idea for a post. i don't have many photos to compile a decent comparison. although, family on my mothers side say i look just like the rest of the frienys and the same is true for my fathers relatives. i always found that weird.
You've definitely got your granny's eyes. Karl's right - - this is a great idea for a post...now where did I put that picture of great aunt... I'm on a mission! Thanks for sharing.
You really do look like Grace but you definitely have the Mehmen nose, smile, and long face like me. When I see Fritz's photo, I see my grandma and her brothers, especially Buddy. (For anyone interested, Kelli's gr grandpa and my gr grandpa were brothers, her grandpa and my grandma were 1st cousins). When we look at photos of ourselves and our children, we see a little bit of every ancestor, because that's who we are. Family photos really give you a connection to your past, that's why my house is filled with them!
I have driven close family and long-lost relatives crazy with my demands for photos and information. But in the end it is worth it, because you are all the more rich for the effort. Just ask Kelli. I've already asked her for photos! Karl and gracious acres should keep looking. You never know what you might come across. Or who. Kelli and I are an example of that.
Thanks Kelli
From Kim your CA cousin
you look just like Grace! Only modern and smiling!!
My last name is mehmen adn my great grandma was 100% german!!
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I came across your blog yesterday. I am related to Grace and Fritz Mehmen.
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