
Onion sets
*For those of you in the area, I'll be at the Mason City Farmer's Market tomorrow (Friday) selling beef and pork. It's at the KMart parking lot from 3-6. Please, come and make some sort of mercy purchase from me. Or just say Hi and tell me you read the blog. I'll be there every Friday in June, and if things go well I'll continue Friday's thru the rest of summer and into fall.
*We are now able to accept debit cards, credit cards and foodstamp EBT cards, both here at the farm and at the farmers market. Hooray! (Thank you to Iowa Farm Bureau and the Iowa DHS for making this possible.)
*Between the 2 girls, we have ball games every night this week, Monday thru Friday, plus Sunday afternoon. Thus the lack of blog posts this week. And that's pretty much how the month of June is going to go. It gets a little stressful at times (we've eaten out waaaaay too much this week), but I really enjoy watching the girls and their friends play.
*Those of you who have ordered chickens from us can come and pick them up now. Give us a call or an email to arrange a time. Or hunt us down at the ball diamond.
*Can I just insert a little whine here? It's my blog, so I guess that I can. I've been really tired this week. I reduce my work hours in the summer, and start my mornings at 7 a.m. instead of 8:30. I am so. not. a. morning. person.
*The Center for Rural Affairs blog has a great series of posts on the new Farm Bill. If you eat, then this bill affects you. Read, form an opinion, contact your appointed representatives or Iowa Senator Tom Harkin.
Thanks for pointing out the Center for Rural America blog. Veddy, veddy interesting. Have a great weekend! Good luck at Farmers Market!
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