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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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Prepare to swoon

because I'm about to show you this:

The first calf of 2010...a sweet little red heifer!

1 year ago:


Beak to the grindstone

Is there anything sexier

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is...

Seedlings in the basement under lights...

Merry spring breezes blowing the windmill...

Laundry on the line...


Track meets...

1 year ago:


Happy Easter

Trusting my instincts (or not)

That had to hurt

Garden, April

Numero dos

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Spring has sprung! And Madeline's 4-H pigs have been sprung as well. It's so much fun to watch them running, jumping, digging...just being pigs :)

My garage brooder won't be empty for long...tomorrow morning I get to go down to Hoovers and pick up the first batch of broiler chicks! Calves should be dropping any day now, piglets later this month. April is a month of anticipation, that's for sure!

Tonight was the spring vendor meeting for our Friday farmers market...I'm getting excited to see all of our market customers again & catch up with customers and vendors alike after this long winter.

1 year ago:

Filling up

New gilts

Some days are like that

1 down


New digs