I don't have very good pictures of the flood. I took a bunch of video, which I've been trying unsuccessfully to upload to YouTube. Hopefully I'll get that figured out, because I also did a little farm tour while I was at it. But for now I'll post what few still photos I did take.
This is a picture from a couple of years ago. Notice the water level compared to the culverts under the road it flows through.

And here's a picture from last Sunday morning. You can't even see the tops of the culverts, and at this point the water had already dropped a couple of feet from its crest. Hard to believe our little creek could get that big!

We pasture the chickens on the other side of the creek. With the water over the road we couldn't get there the usual way. Our neighbors on that side called that morning and offered to feed the chickens for us. We have the best neighbors! But Matt & I decided we needed to get some feed out there and started off in search of another route around. A couple of other roads we tried were also under water, but finally 10 miles later we were a quarter mile from home.
Here's the view from the chicken pen. Waterfront dining!

And here's the view looking back towards the barnyard. The creek flooded right up to that red gate.

Now the cows will have to stay locked up a couple of weeks until the grass in the pasture is back in shape for them to graze, and Matt has replaced all of the fence that the flood wiped out. The main concern now is running out of hay before we can get them back on grass! We're on the hunt for some to buy...
Minor inconveniences compared to what so many are dealing with.
3 years ago:Life skills Mmmmmmmm, good!2 years ago:Ava, 3 months