The softball season will officially end on Wednesday. Coming up next, the county fair! The girls have been working on their 4-H projects and are now in the "scramble to get things wrapped up" phase before judging begins next week.
Olivia belongs to the 4-H saddle club, which holds twice-weekly "workouts" for horses & riders starting in May. It's been fun to see her grow so much in confidence and ability in just the last couple of months. From the girl to told me so emphatically, "I'm not doing bareback!" to this...

Bareback at a trot, even!
A demonstration of the pivot...

And from the girl who also emphatically informed me, "I'm not loping the barrels, I'll just trot thankyouverymuch!" to this...

3 years ago:
Still here
Spring work
Colorado potato beetles
2 years ago:
Look what I found
I said I was done
June garden
My little farmer
I repeat
1 year ago:
Hot hogs
View from the cheap seats
Olivia belongs to the 4-H saddle club, which holds twice-weekly "workouts" for horses & riders starting in May. It's been fun to see her grow so much in confidence and ability in just the last couple of months. From the girl to told me so emphatically, "I'm not doing bareback!" to this...

Bareback at a trot, even!
A demonstration of the pivot...

And from the girl who also emphatically informed me, "I'm not loping the barrels, I'll just trot thankyouverymuch!" to this...

3 years ago:
Still here
Spring work
Colorado potato beetles
2 years ago:
Look what I found
I said I was done
June garden
My little farmer
I repeat
1 year ago:
Hot hogs
View from the cheap seats
Way to go Olivia!!! She has got a great seat on her - good luck at the fair!!
P.S. Love the boots too!
Oh my gosh....what a beautiful horse!! And a beautiful daughter, too.
She looks absolutely AMAZING on that horse!! They look awesome together!
And it's great to see her with a helmet on, too. She looks so happy and natural up there.
I hope you will post photos from the fair.
My sons will have to scramble to finish their 4H projects for the State Fair in Sept. after they get back from visiting their grandparents.
congrats on the Fair!
And a small request: We can see a little of your porch in these photos. Could you show us more? I love porch photos. thanx
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