Since you asked...

Olivia & Star, after workout tonight
Kris @ Quilted Simple asked yesterday if Olivia is going to show Star for 4-H. As a matter of fact, she is!
This is Olivia's first year in 4-H. The 4-H horse club holds twice-weekly workouts for the horses and riders to teach them the basics of riding and games and what will be expected of them at the county fair. Next month they even do a 2-day overnight camp at the fairgrounds for the kids and their horses. Olivia's having fun with it so far!

Olivia is the only one of us that Star will let cuddle with her like that - she'll walk away from the rest of us if we try any of that affectionate stuff with her.
Can you believe Star turns 21 years old this month? She's in great shape for her age, and still likes to run if you let her. She's been the perfect first horse for Olivia. And hopefully in another year or two, when Olivia's ready for a newer model, she'll be the perfect horse for me!
3 years ago:
OH my gosh! That head shot photo of Olivia and Star is AMAZING! I hope you enlarge it and frame it on your wall. Wow! You got the light just right and the softness of Star's eyes and glow of her fur. And Olivia looks so beautiful!
And is that a PINK halter I see?! Too cute!
How fun for Olivia and Star to work together in 4-H.
Is Star still watching out for Zorro and adopting other calves?
Beautiful horse Olivia! We enjoy doing 4-H so much. We are getting pretty hectic here with meetings, clinics and fairs coming up. I hope your two week camp goes great! Good Luck training with Star.
Mom, Great pictures! You should frame that second one:) Have a great day Sugar Creek Farm
Good luck Olivia!!! I showed horses all through 4-H and beyond (until having the kids) and loved every minute of it. Star looks like a wonderful horse for you - enjoy it!
You capture beautiful moments with your pictures. I was just reading the Practical Farmers magazine and saw the article about you. As a fellow blogger who lives, works and plays a few counties over from you, I thought I'd stop by.
twinville - yes, Olivia just bought that hot pink halter for Star a couple of weeks ago. I love it!
s2s - I'm with you, 4-H is a great thing. Now to get these girls going on their fair projects!
qs - Now I know who to go to for horse advice. I'm clueless when it comes to horses!
tamara - thanks for stopping by! Nice to find another blogger from my neck o' the woods!
Kelli- I Love those photos of Oliva and Star. She's living my childhood dream - having a horse! When I'm home this summer I may have to come over and relive my childhood. Oliva - Maybe you can teach me to ride? Can't wait to see you all. Madeline - I hope things are going better with your fair pigs - I'll have to come over and check them out. When is the fair this year?
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