Happy Spring
I know, technically spring has been here a while. But it's finally become a happy spring, with sunshine and warm air and blue skies.
Happy cows (and one happy horse) out on grass again...

...and 145 or so happy broiler chickens on grass as well.

2 years ago:
The Princess Pack
1 year ago:
D. t'the E.
Happy cows (and one happy horse) out on grass again...

...and 145 or so happy broiler chickens on grass as well.

2 years ago:
The Princess Pack
1 year ago:
D. t'the E.
Glad to see you are finally enjoying some warm weather.
Yeah for blue skies and sunshine!!
I love raising broilers. They are the calmest and most pleasant hens I've raised to date. Is that electric fencing behind your pretty hen?
After last week's snow and cold weather, we are finally getting some real Spring now, too! Yay!
How soon until you can prepare the Broilers?
I just brought home 4 new chicks today! Two Polish and two Silkies. Oh, and also a dozen fertile eggs for my broody Speckled sussex hens. hehe
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