It's another "Name That Calf" contest!

You already met Number Six's baby a couple of weeks ago - a cute solid brownish-black bull calf. Now you get to help name him!
Once again, winner will get pick of a 5x7 photo from this collection:
Sugar Creek Farm::Images
(or you can choose the picture of "your" calf shown here!)
Comments will close tomorrow (Monday) at 9 p.m. central.
Can't wait to hear what you come up with!
(Twinville - I need your mailing address to send Zorro's picture your way. But I understand you've been a little preoccupied this week with the fire, so no hurry! Email themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net whenever you get around to it. Hope everyone is safe!)
(Judy - I also need your mailing address, and which picture you'd like for your win naming Shakespeare. Thanks!)
3 years ago:
Mud Pie
Chocolat (weeee mustzzz zspeak eet wiz zee French axaunt)
I can't help but think of Number Six from Battlestar Galactica. so I'm going to suggest a Battlestar-related name. Six loves Gaius Baltar. he's a weasely fellow and I wouldn't saddle a sweet innocent calf with the name Baltar. the name Gaius might work though. the first syllable of Gaius sounds like "guy", and I think it would be cute to call the calf "Little Gaius".
Brownie, Bear, Kiss, Twix. . . .
Do you ear tag your calves? We have just been calling them the number of their tag - gets boring but is oh so much easier sometimes.
I would say knight. He is a dark handsome calf so it fits;) Have a good one
shoot! I was going to say Hershey! I will have to try and think of something else!!!
Slick. He's just so shiney and cute in that pic. Looks like he's trying to sneak off and get into something he shouldn't.
Whoops! my comment came through as anonymous, sorry!
Sundae ... as in, Hot Fudge Sundae!
He looks like dark 'Bourbon' whiskey to me so that is my choice.
I like the names "Bear" (his color reminds me of a little brown bear) or "Chip" (as in chocolate chip, again because of his color).
I think he looks like a moose - same color and obstinate expression so how about "Moose" or "Bullwinkle".
Aslan - from The Chronicles of Narnia. Really love that character. Aslan parallels God, especially God the Son. The most striking example is that of Aslan dying in the place of Edmund. He gave his life for Edmund so that he could live, as Jesus did. After his death, though, he rose from the dead. This is similar to how Jesus died for our sins and, then afterwords, rose from the dead. Luke 23:26-Luke 24:12 in Beef Wellington ;)
His eye's look like George Clooney's. Name him Clooney
I don't really have a reason, it's more of a pattern...or a grasp at good vicarious living. I named my dog Puck, and spend a lot of unproductive time trying to persuade my fiance to agree to more pets so I continue the Shakespeare theme. I've even tried explaining that it would be best for me to get this theme out of my system before we have kids. But, it hasn't been persuasive enough. So far, we only have Puck.
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