h g

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We have a winner!

Wow, this was harder than I thought it was going to be! So many good suggestions.

"Bandit" from both Quilted Simple and Haymaker was very cute.

Matt's favorite was "Rocky" from David. But I think this calf's a lover, not a fighter. And since the prize is one of my pictures, I got to overrule him.

"Dominoe" from Sea 2 Shore Farm was in the running right up until the end.

Loved Karen's "Kiss" idea, hailing back to my rock band days.

Debbie's "Blackjack" idea was another one pretty fitting for this little guy. Jack was our "boy name" when we had our daughters and it's still a favorite of mine.

"Marcel" from Blue Yonder was a great one, and did you know that when I was 13 my best friend and I did a pantomime act and won ourselves a trip to the Iowa State Fair? Good times.

But ultimately I had to go with Judy and call this calf "Shakespeare". (With a hat tip to Farm Mom who brought up the Shakespeare connection with "Revelry"!) It was his dramatic start to life and his theatrical white mask that makes "Shakespeare" fit so well.

So Twinville and Judy, please email me your name, mailing address, and what photo you'd like to themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net. I'll be sending your pick in a 5x7 print with a white border, suitable for framing :) (And Judy, if you want either one of these photos of Shakespeare instead of one from the group just let me know.)

Thanks for playing, everybody! Keep your thinking caps on...another "Name That Calf Contest" coming up Sunday night!


Blogger Patti said...

I'm just heart broken you didn't pick mine ;) (big smile)

Thursday, May 01, 2008 7:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did have alot of tough choices! Great job on the name Judy:) It's fitting that is for certain.

Thursday, May 01, 2008 8:43:00 PM  

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