I can see for miles & miles
Me (answering the phone): Hello?
Matt: Can you see me?
Me: No, I'm in the basement. Where are you?
Matt: Grab the camera and step out the back door. I'm on top of the windmill.

Can you see him up there, sticking his arm out to the side?

This was the view from there, 265 feet up. Our farm is just left of dead center, partially obscured behind the trees lining the creek.

And this is the view looking down at his boom truck.
I don't think I'd look down.
1 year ago:
As I was saying... Best. Wheat Bread. Evah.
Small Farm Business : Taxes
That is VERY COOL. Not sure I would have the testicular fortitude to go up there, though.
Yikes. Not sure about that. Pretty high.....but they sure are pretty to look at...those turbines.
Very cool - but I'm not sure I would want to be up that high and especially looking down! But what a neat sight to see.
oh my god whats he doing up there. I don't think I could do that.
I probably should have said, Matt is a lineman for a local utility and this is their wind turbine. He was up there to do some maintenance on it. Heights don't bother him at all...I guess line work would be a bad choice if they did! Me, on the other hand...I won't even go up in his boom truck with him!
And also, he is hooked into a safety line... And accompanied up there by two co-workers that are certified in wind turbine rescue.
I seen Mike Rowe do that on Dirty Jobs. I'm glad you said that he actually works for the company because after seeing Mike Rowe's show about the wind turbines I know how dangerous it is to be up there without safety harnesses and all. Neat pictures!
I would rather see the wind turbines from my house than to see a power plant which is what I grew up seeing from my house when I was a kid. I'm amazed at it when I go back for visits.
oh my goodnes, that's terrifying! I'm glad there are people in the world willing to do it, but that is NOT for me! Spectacular photos, though.
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