Bringing hay home
I mentioned that last weekend I helped Matt get some hay home that he'd purchased.
First he had me pull the empty rack to the bales while he drove his tractor out there. Pulling an empty rack is not really a big deal. The only part that made me nervous was that I had to pull it through the middle of town. I was watching my mirrors closely so I didn't swipe any parked cars!

Matt pumping up the tires for me
I waited in the truck while he loaded up the rack with bales, then I slid over to the passenger seat and let him pull the loaded rack home. I didn't want to have all the fun myself...
First he had me pull the empty rack to the bales while he drove his tractor out there. Pulling an empty rack is not really a big deal. The only part that made me nervous was that I had to pull it through the middle of town. I was watching my mirrors closely so I didn't swipe any parked cars!

Matt pumping up the tires for me
I waited in the truck while he loaded up the rack with bales, then I slid over to the passenger seat and let him pull the loaded rack home. I didn't want to have all the fun myself...

we rent our hayfields right next to our house, the only problem is I have to pull the haywagon out onto the road to drive around the block while Todd drives the skidloader home to unload the hay. I choose the lesser of two evils and the skidloader tends to bounce on me:) Although I get really nervous due to the mailboxes on our back road.
Yeah, I can't believe the hippie film fest was so close and I never knew about it. I even have good friends who teach at Luther. Next year we will have to remember this sooner and go and have mexican for supper because they have the BEST mexican resturent in Decorah.
Kris - I'd take the haywagon over the skidloader, too!
Becky - that would be awesome :)
Whats the price on hay rolls out your way ?
$40 here in Vermont.
What year is that good look'n Ford truck ?
The good news is, so far we haven't had the amount of crippling ice we have experienced the past 2 years. The even better news is that most of the giant snowstorms of the past 2 months have mostly missed us. We still don't have eought hay to last til May. Love your photos.
Janis - hay right now is $100 to $145 a ton for the decent stuff. Not much to be bought, though. People hold onto it until it starts to look like winter's easing up. This was grass cow hay that we bought, but we're needing some alfalfa hay yet to get the feeder calves through to spring grass.
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