
The view to our west has changed lately. It now sports a brand new wind turbine.
The turbine belongs to Osage Municial Utilities, which Matt works for as a lineman. His part in this was to hook the turbine into their system, and he & the rest of the crew put in a lot of hours to get it online. I know it involved a lot of digging, and cabling, and that's about all I know about it.
With the cold weather setting in, they had to put up a tent and run a space heater to warm up the cable enough to work with. That tent stood up to some pretty rough winter weather. What I want to know is, why don't they make tents like that for farmers market?!?
1 year ago:
Icing on the
Does it have a blinking red light?
But of course! :)
Our view to the west changed also. Yesterday a gas well drilling rig went up. It has a blinking red light as well. I think I might rather have the turbine.
Peter - I know what you mean. The turbine is better than a hog confinement, and better than the ethanol plant that was almost built right across our property line!
At least it is not some factory farm - although all your animals could then thank their lucky stars:)
Kris - And be so thankful that they'd never again break out of a pen or pasture ;)
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