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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Social networking

Me: I have a twitch.

Matt: {blank stare}

Me: In the front of my hip, right under my pants pocket. So I always think my cell phone is vibrating.

Matt: Isn't that what you do on Facebook? You twitcher?

Me: I think you mean tweet on Twitter. It's got nothing to do with Facebook.

Matt: Riiiight, that's it.

1 year ago:


Pumpkin pictures

If you give a boy a camera...

Halloween sneak preview

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Farm kids gone bad

See that red splotch on the side of the front bale? The farm kid version of graffiti.

I'd had a can of spraypaint out, trying to mark out a volleyball court in the grass for the girls. A few days later I spotted this little piece of work. I suspect the middle child - she's a compulsive artist, and this wouldn't be her first act of graffiti around here.

1 year ago:


Thursday, October 15, 2009


I've come to the conclusion that I should just outfit the front porch with nest boxes. Then the hens can deliver the eggs to me, instead of me going on my Easter egg hunt every day.

I noticed quite the clutch of eggs in this washtub/flower planter next to the front door. (Poor flowers have been done in by the nasty winter weather we've had lately!) The next day, I caught the hen in the act. Now that's service - eggs layed right outside the front door!

1 year ago:

How to Cook : German Porkchops


Taking care of business

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Fall piglets

Matilda with her new litter - I took this picture yesterday a little while after they were born

When I went to write this post, I realized that I never told the tale of our first spring farrowing with the new gilts. So here's that backstory...

2 out of the 3 (the mostly white one and the mostly black one) did pretty well. One had a litter of 12 and one a litter of 10. They were pretty good mothers, especially for first-timers and considering the sorta crude conditions we have to farrow in. The interesting thing was, though, that they really didn't like Matt coming around. He would go in to check on them and they'd get all riled, jump up and end up stepping on a piglet or two. They ended up weaning 4 and 8 - not the greatest but better than the Chesters had generally done.

I, however, could go in the pen with them and it didn't bother them a bit (as long as I didn't make anybody squeal.) This really bothered Matt. He took it a bit personally. I told him next time to just leave them alone, let them do their thing, and stay out of it.

The third gilt wasn't so great. She had her litter outside, in the rain in a mud puddle and lost them all. We gave her another chance, but this time around the other 2 have farrowed within 2 days of each other and she's not even bagging up. So we're wondering if she's even bred. She's definitely the low girl on the totem pole - the other 2 don't like to share their food with her and chase her away. Maybe they did the same thing with Ollie! So if she indeed didn't get bred she'll be going down the road and we'll keep a gilt or 2 back from the spring litter.

Chicken wondering what in the heck these things are doing in her space. Some hens have been laying eggs in here while it's sat empty.

Monday Matt had a touch of the stomach flu, so he stayed home from work and didn't get out to do chores as early in the morning as usual. When he did get out there he found that one gilt had farrowed - a beautiful litter of 12! He called back up to the house and said, "I think the stomach flu was God's way of keeping me out of her way while she farrowed." Just like I'd told him - stay out of their way and let them do their thing. The second sow farrowed Wednesday, a litter of 11!

The first litter, born Monday. I took this picture Wednesday.

This summer Matt's been sucking up to the girls big time, talking sweet to them and scratching their ears and their backs every day when he brings them their feed. And it seems to have paid off. They still don't want him to get too close, but they at least tolerate him getting close enough to get a head count. So far each sow has lost just 1 pig. Hopefully they're the kind of moms we think they are, and will get the offspring through this cold snap (down to 28 tomorrow night!)

Love the colors. They look so long at this age!

1 year ago:

Why is it

Let's review

Sunday, October 04, 2009

'Tis the season

No, not that season. Football season. I've written about it before here and here. It's no different this year. If anything, it's just getting more intense.

Me: Rafe, what's your favorite position?

R: Kicker, just like Dad & Uncle Rick.

I'm convinced football kicking is some sort of Miller genetic mutation

Me: What's your second favorite position?

R: Receiver.

"Mom, take some pictures of my moves!"

Evading the other team's defense

Me: What's your third favorite position?

R: Defensive linebacker, just like Dad.

Demonstrating his dive

Just like that other season...enjoy it while it lasts, and take pictures.

1 year ago:

How to Cook : Swiss Steak