h g

Thursday, July 30, 2009


What can I say about this girl of ours that I didn't say last year? We still like her pretty well, teenagerhood and all. She seems to still like us, too, most of the time anyway.

She's dealt with some tough things this past year, and handled them with grace and strength.

She's never intentionally unkind to anyone, and when she does mess up she steps up and makes amends. And she is quick to forgive & forget, whether asked or not.

She & I can really get each other laughing. Especially at Target.

I've already informed her that there will be mandatory daily phone calls home when she goes to college.

Happy One-Four, Maddog.

Yo Mama

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Seriously? 3 weeks since I posted? I have no idea. As Olivia would say, "I know, what?!?" Sorry about that...

So...we managed to find 4.5 days this summer where we could get away in between softball season, volleyball camps and the county fair. We headed for one of our favorite areas, Prairie du Chien, and spent time doing some of our favorite activities:

Campfire cooking, with pork chops & sweetcorn we brought along

Visiting the various beautiful parks along the Mississippi

The traditional picture in Yogi's basket at the campgrounds where we stay

This week we're in the midst of our county fair, another busy but fun week! I'll be back with pictures...promise :)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Matt & Rafe reclaiming the brassicas

What with all the ball playing going on around here, the garden was planted late and then left to the weeds. So we've spent some time lately trying to rescue it. Just a couple rows of beans, and a row of carrots & greens, and it will all be ours again!

Nothing's been harvested yet, because we got things planted so late. But the zucchini & kohlrabi are getting close. And the late-planted greens have enjoyed the mostly cool early summer and we should be eating fresh salad this weekend!

1 year ago:


Lessons in Marketing : Funky Chickens

Chicken wrangling