Good for what ails you

I mentioned in my last post that I'd been sick this week - a nasty sinus thing accompanied by cough and general tiredness. So I took the carcass from the chicken I roasted for Easter dinner and brewed up some broth. The perfect antidote for a case of the yucks.
3 years ago:
Noon scenes
Working the plan
2 years ago:
1 year ago:
Garden, March 28
Looks yummy. And - I have paprika alma pepper seeds that I ordered from (I had to find the shipping receipt to find where I ordered them from). But I did see them in our local greenhouse earlier this week - so you might be able to find them locally. Have a good weekend!! Any calves yet?
Feel better! I like how you backpost to past years - great idea!
Hope the good stuff makes you feel better. It looked scrumptious!
Have a great weekend
Kris - thanks for the pepper info! I'm going to get ahold of some of those :) No calves yet.
Sandy & Regina - thanks, feeling better now :)
I think I've got what you've got. I've been feeling sick for several days now.
Man! That soup looks so nourishing and pampering when one is sick.
Wish I could cuddle up and have a bowl.
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