
Things are a bit chaotic in the farmyard at the moment. As I mentioned in the last post, last week the butcher pigs' sleeping area became water logged and we turned them out into the cattle's winter lots.
Then when Madeline's pigs' shed burned down they joined the fray.
Then the feeder calves hatched an escape from their winter lot out into the main pasture.

They're not allowed out there until the ground thaws out and firms up, and the grass greens up. They ran from corner to corner, knowing that their freedom would be shortlived. Matt picked up a new fencer this weekend and that was the end of that.
Everyone's getting along really well, and the pigs are so, so happy. But it makes for a lot of work when it's time to load up hogs for market.
At least one of the cows is starting to bag up. Calving time is near!
4 years ago:
3 years ago:
I struggle sometimes...
2 years ago:
What a trip!
This post starts the post-Hollywood wrap up
1 year ago:
It's been a rather exciting bird day
At least your snow is disappearing!! The pig looks like he's ready to run if you want to catch him.
At least your snow is disappearing!! The pig looks like he's ready to run if you want to catch him.
I can't wait to see calf pictures. They are so cute.
Isn't it nice to see a little green starting to show? We are slowly melting here also. Can't wait for the warm temps to arrive.
Kris - you're right, the snow is disappearing. It's a beautiful thing :)
christy - you can bet there will be plenty of calf pictures!
Regina - nothing is actually green yet, but shrinking snow piles is satisfying enough for now :)
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