And so it begins

cabbage seedlings
Ye olde blog has been short on words and long on pictures lately. Last week was a crazy busy week. This week is (thankfully) much quieter, but I've been sick and haven't felt like posting much.
But that's likely to be the pattern here for awhile. As spring cranks into gear here it's inevitable that there will be more photo opps - baby calves, baby pigs, baby chicks, baby seedlings - but less time to write about them. So go the seasons!
This morning we woke up to a new blanket of white snow over everything. It was as if Old Man Winter had turned to flip us the bird on his way out the door.
3 years ago:
Happy Easter
1 year ago:
I spent my evening...
Describes the change in seasons perfectly. Very funny.
I love this post. The title fits perfectly. Sometimes all you need is a really nice title and a beautiful picture.
You Said:
"It was as if Old Man Winter had turned to flip us the bird on his way out the door."
Thanks for the giggle!
Ain't THAT the truth!
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