Duck rainbow
The msucovy ducks I have presently are quite the pretty rainbow of colors!
I have a couple that are white with brownish heads and tail feathers.

This drake is grayish white with a gray head.

This one is a pretty chocolate color with striking white wings.

A pretty rippled chocolate-slate mixed coloring shows up in some of them.

And then there's the rippling in a pure chocolate color, with some white showing up in the wings again.

A pretty bluish slate.

And one of my favorite drakes, black with a greenish shimmer and white wings. It was one like this that those idiot boys shot this winter.

Which one is your favorite?
3 years ago:
And everyday losses
Watch horse
Photo Friday: Rural
I have a couple that are white with brownish heads and tail feathers.

This drake is grayish white with a gray head.

This one is a pretty chocolate color with striking white wings.

A pretty rippled chocolate-slate mixed coloring shows up in some of them.

And then there's the rippling in a pure chocolate color, with some white showing up in the wings again.

A pretty bluish slate.

And one of my favorite drakes, black with a greenish shimmer and white wings. It was one like this that those idiot boys shot this winter.

Which one is your favorite?
3 years ago:
And everyday losses
Watch horse
Photo Friday: Rural
My favorite is the blueish slate. And I like her head and eyes, too. Very gentle and feminine face, that one.
I like the slate too, but I'd take them all!! ;)
Hey! I found something today and immediately thought of your farm with the recent piglet arrival:
The Small Farmers Higher Standards and Welfare Equals Fairer Prices Bacon News Article
Pigs Are Worth It Website
And the new pop sensation "Stand by Your Ham!"
I hope you don't mind that I stopped by your blog. I must say that your ducks are all pretty.
Have a nice day
twinville - you're right, she is a very feminine hen! I like her, too.
fm - catching them might be a problem if you tried to take them :)
twinville - thanks for the links. Good reading!
sharon - I'm happy you did stop by!
Such sweet babies!!...A couple of thoses brownish hens were raised by a chicken. The green drake takes after his mom and the brown ducks after their dad..the white comes from the first three you got from the farm out west I think. If you have any ideas for direct marketing the young ones let me know. My dear honey will probably raise a buch again this yr.
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