Don't hate us because we're beautiful

Thanks for all the good conversation about collecting from customers. Keep it coming! I was glad to have some of you chime in from the customer's perspective.
I'm not sure we answered ang's question. Sounds like ang is having a problem collecting the deposit itself. You can go back and read the question in the comments here. Anybody have suggestions for ang?
You all have convinced us, we need to take deposits. We've already sent the newsletter out for this year, and we already have some pre-orders for this year, so we probably won't start until next year. But it's still being discussed.
Speaking of the newsletter... if you're interested in purchasing from us this year but are not currently a customer, email me your mailing address and I'll get a newsletter + order form in the mail to you. themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net.
3 years ago:
One of these things just doesn't belong here
Round 2
2 years ago:
What's going on
1 year ago:
Sale Barn
Corn recipe #2: Smokey corn chowder
Are thoses hens part of the free chicken package?
Aw man, I need to get rid of these old girls, but now I want to stick on the caveat that only "ugly" ones can go. And then I think, do I have any ugly ones? I'm so sentimental :(
Beautiful old ladies! The one on the left has the exact same coloring as my Maisie. But Maisie also has feathered feet as she's 1/2 cochin.
Preeety chickens! Someday, I'm going to have chickens and I want pretty ones too!
Oh I am too...They might get back to work come Spring
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