Ag Speedlinking: 02.18.08
Push to expand locally grown food sales
From the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. The article says about my alma mater, the University of Northern Iowa, "UNI will spend about $230,000 this year on local food, Secor said, about double from a year ago. The money not only stays in the community, she said, but the students love it. On Wednesday, students chowed down hamburgers made from steers raised locally and processed at the Gilbertville Locker."
Michael Pollan: Choice, elitism, fries
A nice little interview with some choice food for thought (pun intended) from Pollan. Especially his comments on the link between our current eating habits and our current healthcare system: "'if the government were responsible for our health care costs, the government would suddenly have a powerful interest in the American diet.' He thinks if government footed the bill for consumer choices, it would be far less likely to cave in to the food industry when making recommendations and setting policies."
Connecting the dots; the pervasive economic infrastructure of war
I had a hard time connecting the dots this Cedar Rapids author was drawing here, from war to Iowa agriculture. But there are some interesting thoughts buried in here, and some fascinating figures. For example, he states that Iowans spend $4 billion to purchase food from out of state each year!
From the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. The article says about my alma mater, the University of Northern Iowa, "UNI will spend about $230,000 this year on local food, Secor said, about double from a year ago. The money not only stays in the community, she said, but the students love it. On Wednesday, students chowed down hamburgers made from steers raised locally and processed at the Gilbertville Locker."
Michael Pollan: Choice, elitism, fries
A nice little interview with some choice food for thought (pun intended) from Pollan. Especially his comments on the link between our current eating habits and our current healthcare system: "'if the government were responsible for our health care costs, the government would suddenly have a powerful interest in the American diet.' He thinks if government footed the bill for consumer choices, it would be far less likely to cave in to the food industry when making recommendations and setting policies."
Connecting the dots; the pervasive economic infrastructure of war
I had a hard time connecting the dots this Cedar Rapids author was drawing here, from war to Iowa agriculture. But there are some interesting thoughts buried in here, and some fascinating figures. For example, he states that Iowans spend $4 billion to purchase food from out of state each year!
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