Hot water

Chickens & ducks crowd around their daily dose of hot water
Twinville commented here the other day about her spoiled hens and how they'd probably be wanting her to draw them a warm bath next. I guess that makes my hens and ducks really spoiled. In winter I take out a bucket of hot water and pour it into a dishpan for them. The ducks stick their entire heads into the "bath".
The past few days of warm (in the upper 30's) weather we've enjoyed have only been a teaser. Now we're under a winter storm watch, expecting 2 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow, 40 mph winds, and windchills to 30 below. I'm hoping it doesn't actually turn out that bad because I was really looking forward to tomorrow! Madeline has a double header basketball game scheduled after school, and then in the evening Olivia is supposed to play a 3rd-4th grade exhibition game during halftime of the varsity girls basketball game. But I guess Mother Nature will be determining our schedule.
1 year ago:
Duck defrost
Its so funny, a lot of the chickens I see in there look just like chickens I have. I don't know what the breeds are but I sure think they are beautiful. Lost one of my huge dominiques today to a hawk. Kinda bummed about that. Wish I could mail you some warmth. High was about 70 today.
Imagine my surprise to find ME mentioned in your Blog?! How cool is that?!
Well, it's plain to see that your fowl are quite spoiled, but the ultimate would be a jacuzzi just for your critters.
Conjuring up pictures, 'ala dogs playing poker' of two pigs, a cow and a duck or two nesteled deep ito the frothy hot water, sipping farm champagne (ahhh...water). Now that's what I'd like to see! hehe
We've got some crazy weather here, too. Very cold with winds gusting at 50-60 mph! At least all the rain melted the brittle, hard snow we've had on the ground for 2 weeks! Ugh.
But now, I must be cautious that I don't get sucked into all the aggressive, hungry mud around here! Yikes.
When is Spring?
kramer - I'm really not ready for spring yet, but I'd take temperatures above zero anyway!
twinville - hope the animals don't read this website, or they'll be staging a strike until they get their hot tub! hee hee
Nothing better than spoiled poultry.
Christy - I tend to agree with you :)
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