Today my parents took the kids for an overnight, as they do every August, heading west to Clear Lake. Matt and I decided to take advantage of a kid-free day and take a little daytrip ourselves. We headed east to Decorah.
The main destination for our trip was the Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm. The farm is open to visitors, and you can take self-guided tours along the trail system they've developed to view their preservation gardens, Ancient White Park cattle, historic orchard, and more. We spent about 3 hours walking around, getting a close look at some the thousands and thousands of varieties of heirloom vegetables they work at preserving, taking notes of what might be good to try next year. I highly recommend a visit - we enjoyed it very much!

Farm cat

Beautiful garden showcasing a mixture of flowers, herbs and vegetables

View of one of the preservation gardens from the second story of the barn
Stay tuned, more tomorrow!
The main destination for our trip was the Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm. The farm is open to visitors, and you can take self-guided tours along the trail system they've developed to view their preservation gardens, Ancient White Park cattle, historic orchard, and more. We spent about 3 hours walking around, getting a close look at some the thousands and thousands of varieties of heirloom vegetables they work at preserving, taking notes of what might be good to try next year. I highly recommend a visit - we enjoyed it very much!

Farm cat

Beautiful garden showcasing a mixture of flowers, herbs and vegetables

View of one of the preservation gardens from the second story of the barn
Stay tuned, more tomorrow!
We were planning on heading there this year too, but this durn drought has us to busy keeping things going around here. Looks green down there :)
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