Salad Bar

Edited: All the pork is sold!
Our lettuce bed and spinach bolted 3 or 4 weeks ago (which is a lot later than I expected...remind me to buy the same varieties next year.) But I noticed some bugs on them at the time, so we left the plants hoping they'd act as a trap crop.
This weekend we decided it was time to pull them out. Matt pulled, and Rafe helped him pile them into the bucket of the tractor. The pigs were the lucky recipients, though the chickens did their best to cut in on the feast.
I'll also mention now that pre-orders for chicken have been coming in like crazy. I've been trying to decide what to do. I have orders for 60, plus we usually keep 16 for ourselves. I start with 100 chicks, but some years my death loss has been 20 or 25%. I don't want to oversell myself, but I'm not sure I want to commit to more than 100 chicks either.
So here's the deal. I'll take pre-orders for up to 25 more chickens, and I need to have those orders by August 2nd. That will give me a chance to order an extra 25 chicks if I need to. (I don't have the room to raise more than 125 at once.) After August 2nd I will still take pre-orders but whether you get your order or not will depend on how much death loss we experience. These orders will be filled on a first-ordered first-filled basis. And of course any extras we end up with at butchering time will be available for sale after the 5th of October.
And I might as well throw in here that you can also pre-order beef. We have a couple quarters still available in September, and a couple in January, and several in October and November.
Email with questions or orders...themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net
what variety of lettuce did you plant?
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