Laborful day

Mmm, hams!
Labor Day was indeed a day of labor for us. Fortunately many hands make light work! Our customer-friends & their daughter volunteered to come over & help, and we were so glad they did. How nice was that, spending their holiday wrangling our chickens :)
But before we got to the chicken wrangling, they helped us load 3 pigs and haul them to the locker.

And then herd the current batch of feeders into the vacated space.

Then we loaded 150 3-week-old broiler chicks into the trailer, hauled them out to the pasture, unloaded each one again and placed them into the shed in the pasture.

Then it was time to load 150 7-week-old broiler chickens into the trailer. One. By. One. It's a good workout for arms & shoulders!

At that point we let our friends head home. We hauled the chickens to the processor at Greene, and unloaded each one again there. Then it was back home, with a treat of supper from the drive-in. It was a good day, and a lot of big jobs done with a little help from our friends. Thanks, guys!
1 year ago:
Speaking of stocking up
A peek at the chick brooder
Take a hike
Take a hike, part 2
You are so lucky to have someone to process your chickens! There are no chicken processors in all of GA. I had to do mine myself.
Christy - that stinks! We've only done a few, and I didn't mind it, but if we were going to do our own 600 a year I'd want a good setup, the right equipment, and plenty of help!
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