A little help here?

In the chaos that seems to be life these days, we've lost the lists of who ordered what.
This situation is giving me a stomachache.
If I have a filled-out order form, and/or a deposit check, we're good.
But we took 3 pigs to the locker yesterday. Our neighbor is getting one. We were keeping one to sell at farmers market. But I can't remember who wanted the third one. Obviously it was someone that said "Put me down for a whole hog" but didn't fill out the form or give us a deposit.
Or, the other possibility, we didn't actually have it sold & were keeping 2 for the farm.
So...if it was you that asked for a hog for August/September and you haven't heard from me, please give me a call or an email asap.
Or...if you'd like this here hog - if we don't hear from the person that actually ordered it - also give me a call or an email asap. The locker will be wanting to cut it up in the next few days. This is the last of the girls' 4-H pigs, so the money actually goes to them, and the breeding on this pig is a little leaner than what the October pigs will be.
And...we're also still taking orders for:
*Chickens - Batch 3 will be ready the end of this week, Batch 4 the first week of October. We are now offering them either whole or cut up.
*Pork - The first of our new genetics will be ready the end of October. Tasty! Order half or whole hog.
*Beef - Butchering will start in November and continue through December. We do quarters & halves, and also bundles which are an 1/8th of beef - about 50 pounds that includes the full range of cuts - steaks, roasts, ground, etc.
To order email sugarcreekfarm (at) osage (dot) net
That cat looks marvelously businesslike.
Sorry that you can't (yet) account for the third pig. Already in my head I was hearing, "This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home..."
I wish I lived a little closer so that I could buy the third from you. I must rely on my husband to hunt for hogs, and it's been a number of years since we've had any in the freezer.
Good luck.
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