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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring cleaning

a spring-cleaned chicken coop, courtesy of Olivia

Sorry for the long pause there. I feel a little like I've been undergoing an internal spring cleaning this past week or two.

It's typical for me to battle those wintertime blues, lack of sunlight and all that. But this year I thought I was busy enough, keeping up with the kids and their various activities, getting in some exercise. Apparently I was too busy to notice that I wasn't actually on top of things like I thought.

But now, with the increasing hours of daylight, the changing tone of the sunlight, the slowly warming temperatures, I feel like I've been set free. Too bad I didn't know I was a captive, until now.

5 years ago:


4 years ago:

The List

Head to head

Sled of death

3 years ago:

Sugar Creek Farm goes Hollywood

2 years ago:

R.I.P. Superstar

Weird (and rather boring) things

Garden, March

Signs of spring

1 year ago:

Locker day

Weekend chicken blogging


If bad things happen in 3's

Farm art



Blogger QuiltedSimple said...

Does she hire out for out of state work????hehe. This is something I need to do....

Monday, March 23, 2009 9:45:00 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

Funny you should say that about Lyle. Tim and I were talking on the way home from Stacyville Saturday night that we need to talk to you and see if all the unique kids songs Lyle knows (he broke out one about a frog and a duck I hadn't heard yet that night) is just Lyle or if it's a Mehmen thing.

Monday, March 23, 2009 7:27:00 PM  
Blogger Patti said...

I think I have coup envy......

Monday, March 23, 2009 9:33:00 PM  
Blogger sugarcreekfarm said...

Kris - probably, if the price is right ;)

Becky - I don't know, I'll ask my dad! I don't remember anyone else singing kid songs other than Bill Rinehart - he used to sing Sneaky Snake for me.

Patti - envy? Our coop? I guess it's true, one man's trash is another's treasure ;) We've been trying to figure out a setup that would work better for us.

Monday, March 23, 2009 10:51:00 PM  

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