As I was saying...

Best. Wheat bread. Evah.
One of the cookbooks I got for Christmas was King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking.
The first recipe I tried was the chocolate chip cookies. I didn't share them here because I wasn't blown away or anything. But actually the rest of the family liked them just fine. I thought the wheat flour I had on hand at the time was maybe a little off, so I need to make them again with fresh flour. And then I made biscuits, but I rolled the dough too thin so I need to try them again, too.
Last Sunday I decided to try their 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread recipe. It wasn't a difficult recipe, and there were no strange ingredients - I had everything on hand. orange juice, water, butter, whole wheat flour, sugar, dried potato flakes, dry milk, salt and yeast. So the only thing I found myself whining about was how much waiting-around time there was in the recipe. What can I say, I'm a Gen-X'er. I want my MTV, and I want it now.
But this. This was one of those things that was totally worth the wait. It was the softest, lightest, tastiest whole wheat bread I've ever eaten. So good, I forgot to take a picture of it. And the family devoured the entire loaf alongside a pot of vegetable beef soup.
So I made it again Monday. You know, for the blog. So I'd have a picture to share with you. Because I'm giving like that.
The entire book includes weights as well as measurements. I love that - I weigh everything because it's more accurate and, more importantly, dirties fewer dishes.
There's several recipes using sprouted wheat berries that will be fun to try - I ordered seed sprouting trays with my garden seed last week. And the honey-oatmeal sandwich bread sounds yummy. When I get some whole wheat pastry flour I'll try a cake. Stay tuned...
4 years ago:
My buns are burning
2 years ago:
Eating from the freezer
1 year ago:
This looks yummy - we are bread fanatics here. Nothing better than warm bread with butter and honey on it!
Thats so funny..."I'm giving like that", yes you are! Looks really good!
KAF is my all-time favorite baking book. We make the honey oatmeal sandwich bread once a week or so, and hve been for years. I prefer it with steel-cut oats, which makes it a little nutty. It's totally worth your time. Come visit some time! I don't have as big a farm as you, but I promise to catch up on my chicken and seed-starting posts soon.
it looks yummy.
Wow! Does that look great. I made a wonderful bean soup for dinner tonight...would have gone great with that bread!
Again. I am so bad at bread. So bad. But I have to say that I tried that 5 minute artisan thing......I was blown away. Totally. It actually tuned out for me!
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