Beef availability update

Calf weaning for 2008 is done!
I wanted to give our beef customers a quick update. Some of you usually get your quarters in the spring. Our newsletter earlier this year indicated that we would have a limited amount of beef available in spring '09. However all of the calves have ended up finishing more or less together. So there will not be any spring beef this coming year. We still have a few quarters available for late December, and that will be it until November '09.
So please don't wait to get on our list! Email sugarcreekfarm (at) osage (dot) net to reserve your quarter or half beef for late December.
3 years ago:
One chicken's mess
Doin' a "little" raking
Before and after
2 years ago:
Another fall job done
Opera singer
One person in this world
1 year ago:
First video
Second harvest
Stockpiled (or piled stocks)
Will you have beef for next years Farmer's Markets? I hope so.
Hi Patti - We're doubling the amount of beef we're having processed for retail sales. Even though we're also adding monthly deliveries this winter, I still expect to have plenty of beef for farmers markets next summer :)
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