
Matt's been busy hauling manure lately, I don't know how many loads but I think several dozen like this.

Because our manure spreader is so old, it doesn't spread things as fine as some of the new-fangled ones. Spreading after beans in the fall works best, because in the spring our neighbor will turn the soil over to plant corn. But in the years that he plants beans he "no-tills", drilling the bean seed amongst the corn stover. Large chunks of manure can interfere with the drilling. So last year's manure was piled and composted until it could be spread, along with last year's manure.
Spreading manure always starts that song "spread a little sunshine every day" running through my head!
3 years ago:
As promised on Friday...
Bales in the mist
2 years ago:
Attention K-Mart shoppers!
Then and now
1 year ago:
Switching gears
Are you ready for some football?
Such a smelly and necessary part of farm life. Looks like you are having nice weather though!
I'm envious. I wish I could improve my Ozark soil like that.
Actually this stuff was so well composted it didn't smell!
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