I wanna be a cowboy
My cutie pie little nephew loves to come over and ride Star. He likes Star so much, in fact, that he has his own horse named Star at his house. He keeps her in their corncrib and he feeds her hay every day. "But her hay is really just boards," he explained to me. "And we've left the house some mornings in tears, because there wasn't time to feed Star," my sister-in-law explained to me. His Star is just part of an entire stableful of imaginary farm animals :)
One day when he was here this summer, he insisted that he needed Rafe's cowboy boots in order to ride. It was then I knew what to get him for his birthday this month. His very own cowboy boots. Weekend before last was his birthday party, and I think I chose wisely because it sounds like since then he's only taken them off to sleep. (And I imagine that's only because his parents insist!)
So this past weekend I went and got him so he could ride Star in his new cowboy boots.

I picked out boots with longhorn steer cutouts. They just seemed so very 4-year-old.

He and Olivia rode around, and around, and around the yard.

He took one short break to jump on the trampoline, and then it was right back to riding.
One day when he was here this summer, he insisted that he needed Rafe's cowboy boots in order to ride. It was then I knew what to get him for his birthday this month. His very own cowboy boots. Weekend before last was his birthday party, and I think I chose wisely because it sounds like since then he's only taken them off to sleep. (And I imagine that's only because his parents insist!)
So this past weekend I went and got him so he could ride Star in his new cowboy boots.

I picked out boots with longhorn steer cutouts. They just seemed so very 4-year-old.

He and Olivia rode around, and around, and around the yard.

He took one short break to jump on the trampoline, and then it was right back to riding.

That is just so sweet! Great choice on those cool boots.
Now all he needs is a cool cowboy hat. He already looks like a ittle cowboy and has the intensity in his eyes.
He looks like he wants to ride on his own, actually.
Way to go to Olivia for being so patient and like a big sister while taking him out to ride Star.
I just love reading and seeing pictures about Star and Olivia, too. :)
How wonderful - and a cowboy hat is definitely in order! That's fantastic that Olivia took the time to take him for a ride, and Star was fabulous as a babysitter for him!
I bought cowboy boots for my nephew when he was about 3 years old, and for many years after, new boots were what he wanted from me each year!!
Olivia looks so sweet helping him realize his riding dreams!
So cute. And such special memories he will have of this time.
Star looks like a great, patient lady (especially considering that left rein!). Little boys in cowboy boots are just adorable! :)
awww, so adorable. i bet it was his best b-day present ever. and olivia was so patient with him. just amazing.
Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone! Star is definitely very patient with all of us :) Now if I could get Olivia to be as patient with her own brother...
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