R.I.P., Superstar

Losing animals is part and parcel of farming, usually noted but not dwelled upon. But last week our Miss Silkie died. Those of you who were reading this blog this time last year know her as our Hollywood chicken.
I had noticed for a couple of days that she looked dumpy, not her usual fluffy and happy self. Then one day when I went out for chicken chores, I found her dead in the coop. I'll miss her.
Rafe said, "Awwww, our poor little Superstar."
Matt said, "It's the Sugar Creek Farm version of Anna Nicole Smith!"
Madeline said, "We should give those people in Hollywood a call. Maybe they'll bring us back out there. Because we're grieving."
consolations for your loss, that hollywood post was one of the first posts of your blog that i read. it doesn't seem that long ago. do you always buy more chicks or does your flock self perpetuate?
Aww, poor thing. But what a life for a chicken, to go to Hollywood!
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