The farm where I grew up

The farm where I grew up sits along the Cedar River, nestled up to the bottom of the river bluff. The house is just off to the right of this picture. My parents bought this farm when I was about a year old. Corn and soybeans and hay. Hogs, farrow to finish. A cow/calf herd. Typical for then, maybe not so much for now. Typical is much bigger these days. 35 years later my dad still farms the ground (no hay now), my brother has the buildings for his hogs.
My brother and I and the neighbor girl (she was "Little Kelly" and I was "Big Kelli") had some grand adventures exploring the woods and the caves and the river banks. In my memory now it seems like we were out and about from morning until dark, on foot, or on bikes, or later a 3-wheeler.
A parade of images marches through my head. My dad pulling our sled behind the tractor in the field across the road. Washing our 4-H pigs for the county fair. Picnics at the cave in the bluff with the big rock in front of it. Riding the "Mitchell" bus. Following the deer paths through the woods between our house and the neighbor's. Wildflowers in spring. Almost putting my car in the river on the way to school one slippery winter morning. Last-day-of-school campouts in the woods with my friends.
It's interesting, as I sit here, trying to formulate the words to describe my feelings about this place. I'm failing. And I wouldn't want to share them in a public forum anyway. They seem to run the full gamut of emotion, tied up as they are with past experiences, present reality, and the future.
A summer view...

beautiful farm. what a dreamy discription of your youth. i was caught up in it.
What a wonderful post and equally wonderful memories. The thing that strikes me is that the quality of your childhood was such that you have consciously or unconsciously committed yourself to providing the same excellent childhood experiences for your own children.
Can you comment on how many of your contemporaries left the rural life to find careers in urban areas? Have many returned?
Thanks for sharing. Some of my fondest memories of my youth were visiting my Aunt and Uncles farm.
Such a poignant picture of your ties to the land. Thank you for sharing.
I consider myself lucky to have chanced upon this site and to be able to get to see this farm of yours. Amazing pictures. What an experience it would be - to live on a farm. The whole post is so heart warming.
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