Winter ducks

11 ducks have finally smartened up and spend their time in the vacant broiler shed, though they were all on the creek today (but 5 came when I called them!) 2 still camp on the creek. I found my favorite drake frozen at the side of the creek. That leaves 6 missing, presumed dead and eaten.
Yesterday I was in the mood for a good old-fashioned Sunday dinner. I cut up a couple of chickens, set the breasts aside for later in the week, and made oven-fried chicken with the dark pieces. We also had baked potimarron squash, scalloped corn and broccoli, and a huge pot of mashed potatoes. It was a really good meal, with all of the main ingredients from the farm. Naturally I proceeded to eat myself sick.
One of the reasons I made a huge pot of mashed potatoes was so that I could make Golden Potato Soup tonight with the leftovers. This is a really fast and easy soup, perfect with a green salad and bread, great for a quick weeknight supper.
Golden Potato Soup
(slightly adapted from More With Less Cookbook)
Chop 1 onion. Saute in 1/4 cup oil.
Blend in 2 T. flour and 2 t. salt (I find it easiest to do this if I shut the heat off first.)
Add 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and boil 2 minutes.
Add 4 cups milk, 2 cups mashed potatoes, and 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese. Stir and smash/blend the potatoes in. Heat just until cheese is melted - do not boil.
That's it, simple!
That sounds so yummy - - I'll have to try that. Today, I'm making turkey & rice ('cause that's what I have in the house). Just pulled the loaf of bread out of the oven. Is it lunch time yet?
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