Up Close and Personal

Below-freezing temps have finally disappeared from the forecast, so I uncovered the strawberries from their blanket of hay yesterday afternoon. The strawberry bed borders the bull pen, and Mr. Bull thought that hay I was pulling off looked tasty. He followed me up the row as I worked, attempting to stick his tongue through the fence for any morsel he could manage. What he managed was to get himself zapped by the electric fence a couple of times.
My plan to take the broilers out at dusk in order for them to learn more quickly how to put themselves in at night appears to have worked! Matt got the duty last night to tuck them into bed. He reports that only about 8 were still outside and needed to be placed inside the shed. Such an improvement over last year's second batch, in which only about 20 would be inside the shed at dark.
When Matt was home for lunch today he noted how pissed off his cows look. He shut them out of the pasture a couple days ago because the grass wasn't growing during the cold spell we had and the cows had it pretty well ate down already. After lunch I went to town on an errand. When I came back just 1/2 hour later, the cows had somehow broken out and were running for the spot back on top of the hill. They can't be seen from the house up there. Maybe they think we won't notice they're missing.
Well kelli, they're not exactly Einsteins! I find that cows/cattle/bovines in general are natural posers for the camera. The minute I get near they all turn and ..... well, they don't smile but at least they look towards the camera. Unlike humans. - Suzanne
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