Chix Pix
The broilers were 3 weeks old Wednesday. They look a bit disheveled at this point. Adolescent. This was them just a week ago. This was them just 3 weeks ago.
Tomorrow is moving day, out to pasture. It's so fun to watch them on pasture the first time. Chicken bliss. Fresh air, green grass, bugs and worms.
The pullets and roos are feathering out nicely, too. This was them just 3-1/2 weeks ago.
Buff-laced Polish roo. His "hat" looks like dandelion fluff.
Partridge Cochin pullet. Such pretty coloring, love the feathers on her legs.
Golden Polish pullet. Such a fancy girl.
Salmon Faverolle roo. The 5-toed bird. He also has feathers on his legs.
An Araucana pullet showing off her perching skills. I can't believe how huge the Araucanas are!
Great pics! Our Marans are the biggest of the latest batch we got.
Been having a bit of a coyote problem lately. We've lost 5 chickens in the past few weeks, including the baby. :(
What cool photos. Up close and personal with the poultry!!!
I am trying to find some laying Marans nice temporament, please email me at
I am also interested in true Aracaunas (blue eggs) and Barnvelders
Thanks for any help you can give me
I'm three weeks behind you. I will keep checking in to get tips and enjoy your experience.
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