Matt went to town before 7:00 this morning and met the truck that brings the mail into Osage from Mason City. The chicks survived the trip A-OK. It's an amazing journey - hatched Friday at McMurray Hatchery in Webster City, Iowa. Air mailed on Saturday. Arrived in Mason City, Iowa Sunday morning. Trucked to Osage Monday morning.
There is something hypnotizing about them. I can sit for hours listening to the quiet chirping, watching them, already knowing to "scratch" in the dirt for food, running as fast as their little legs will carry them (which is really fast!).
A group pic

Matt has some kind of power over chicks. They fall asleep in his hands.

Columbian Wyandotte - these will grow up to be white birds with gray/black speckled tail feathers and wingtips.

Bufflaced Polish - one of my roosters. He will turn a golden color. You can already see his "hat".

White Crested Black Polish - a freebie from McMurray's. He will be black with a white hat.

Salmon Faverolle - another rooster. He has 5 toes instead of 4, and feathers on his legs.

Golden Polish - another "hatted" breed.
There is something hypnotizing about them. I can sit for hours listening to the quiet chirping, watching them, already knowing to "scratch" in the dirt for food, running as fast as their little legs will carry them (which is really fast!).
A group pic

Matt has some kind of power over chicks. They fall asleep in his hands.

Columbian Wyandotte - these will grow up to be white birds with gray/black speckled tail feathers and wingtips.

Bufflaced Polish - one of my roosters. He will turn a golden color. You can already see his "hat".

White Crested Black Polish - a freebie from McMurray's. He will be black with a white hat.

Salmon Faverolle - another rooster. He has 5 toes instead of 4, and feathers on his legs.

Golden Polish - another "hatted" breed.
the golden polish is so cute, how could you not love a face like that? ;)
Oh so cute! I wish mine were still this small. Hope you'll do updates (pictures) on these chicks if you have the time.
The rock-n-roll baby is cute too! :)
How gorgeous is the Columbian Wyandotte? And that little Golden Polish...SO cute!
Love that main photo with just the one yellow chick...way cool! I love that chirping sound, too...maybe you could tape it for me and someone get it on my iPod? ;)
They send chicks by air mail. How strange.
They are cute..
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