Function = Beauty
Things that are simply made, yet their function makes them worth their weight in gold. This is art, this is beauty to me. Yes, I'm in love with my new seed starting rack.

The cabbages, brussels sprouts, and early tomatoes are germinating.

Today started on a sad note. Sarah laid on one of the piglets and killed him. Now we're down to 7.
After church and lunch, Matt and the girls and the neighbor girl built fence and separated the piglets from Sarah for weaning. I worked on sanitizing chick feeders & waters, and seed starting trays & cell packs. This is an activity I'm going to reevaluate - it took a long time. While it's nice not to have to spend money on new seed starting supplies each year, there comes a point where your time becomes more valuable than the cost of new supplies. So next winter I'll research my options.
After that we set the broiler and pullet brooders up. We got a call from the Mason City post office at 8:00 this morning saying the chicks were there. We could come get them if we were there by 10:00, or they'd be at the Osage post office at 7:00 Monday morning. With the price of gas what it is we opted to wait and pick them up here tomorrow morning.
All of this in between taking loads of laundry to dry at my parents' house because our dryer broke down last week. Hopefully the fix-it guy will be here in the a.m.
I'm so tired I don't think I'm even typing coherent sentences. Better get off to bed, need to get up early to unpack chicks before the girls go to school and I start my workday.
Expect to see pics of the peeps tomorrow!

The cabbages, brussels sprouts, and early tomatoes are germinating.

Today started on a sad note. Sarah laid on one of the piglets and killed him. Now we're down to 7.
After church and lunch, Matt and the girls and the neighbor girl built fence and separated the piglets from Sarah for weaning. I worked on sanitizing chick feeders & waters, and seed starting trays & cell packs. This is an activity I'm going to reevaluate - it took a long time. While it's nice not to have to spend money on new seed starting supplies each year, there comes a point where your time becomes more valuable than the cost of new supplies. So next winter I'll research my options.
After that we set the broiler and pullet brooders up. We got a call from the Mason City post office at 8:00 this morning saying the chicks were there. We could come get them if we were there by 10:00, or they'd be at the Osage post office at 7:00 Monday morning. With the price of gas what it is we opted to wait and pick them up here tomorrow morning.
All of this in between taking loads of laundry to dry at my parents' house because our dryer broke down last week. Hopefully the fix-it guy will be here in the a.m.
I'm so tired I don't think I'm even typing coherent sentences. Better get off to bed, need to get up early to unpack chicks before the girls go to school and I start my workday.
Expect to see pics of the peeps tomorrow!
Ooh, I am in love with your new seed starting rack too! Did you build it or buy it?
I haven't been able to start any seeds due to lack of space. Maybe next year.
Sorry to hear about the piglet. I guess that happens a lot.
nice rack...
this is before i started reading your blog. i plan something similar as a winter project.
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