
Welcome, Globe Gazette readers! Deb Nicklay wrote such a nice article about us. I had no idea Deb was going to hunt down my online blogging friends and ask questions! Thank you to Jeanelle at Midlife by Farmlight and Angie at Children in the Corn for saying such sweet things :)
I'll be back in a bit with tales from the chicken pen and woes from the garden...
Congratulations! Great article!
That was a great article and all of it so true. Your blog is great. The entries, tho not always happy and jolly, are so real. And the pictures are amazing. The best way to envision farm life.
Congrats to you and your family. What sweet words everyone had to share about you!
Hey Kelli! I had no idea you had a blog until I read the article in the Globe. Love your Photos! Truly amazing stuff!
Joe Kisley
Cool article Kelli! It's always great to see small-scale farmers and fellow bloggers in the news!
YAY! Deb did a really good job with the article! So happy to have been able to be a part of bragging you up! ;)
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