It's like some kind of farm soap opera
I mean really, the drama!
I mentioned yesterday that we had a cow in labor. We watched. We waited. We checked. No calf. Morning came. No calf. At that point I was thinking things were taking too long and we weren't going to have a good outcome.
On top of that, the weather here has been downright nasty. Driving rain, wind in 45mph gusts, temps in the 30s. I felt so sorry for Zorro and the other new calf that was born just yesterday afternoon! I wanted to go out and put little rain slickers on them.
So I took Madeline to the orthodontist and we picked up the broiler chicks on our way home. When I pulled in the driveway about 11 a.m., there was a new calf! I was so relieved. He was standing up even, but soaked to the bone.
After I got the chicks situated I looked out to see what was going on with the cow & calf, but didn't see them. I headed out to see where they were, and about that time Matt pulled in for lunch. We found the mama in the shed, but that newborn baby couldn't navigate the mud and was laying outside the shed in the mud.
Matt looked at me, hitched up his pants, and said, "Now I'm going to go get my @$$ kicked by a cow." He went out, grabbed that calf out of the mud, and hauled him inside the shed.

I ran in the house and grabbed some towels and Matt got him dried off as much as he could, until Mama Cow got really upset and came after her baby.
When Matt did chores after work the calf was still in the shed, and standing up and trying to nurse. So that's good. But I'll be fretting about all 3 of the new babies...the rain is supposed to turn to snow tomorrow afternoon.
3 years ago:
Our new friend Troy
I wish we were having the weather today that we were having on this day 3 years ago!
2 years ago:
Spread a little sunshine
1 year ago:
Spring, O Spring
I mentioned yesterday that we had a cow in labor. We watched. We waited. We checked. No calf. Morning came. No calf. At that point I was thinking things were taking too long and we weren't going to have a good outcome.
On top of that, the weather here has been downright nasty. Driving rain, wind in 45mph gusts, temps in the 30s. I felt so sorry for Zorro and the other new calf that was born just yesterday afternoon! I wanted to go out and put little rain slickers on them.
So I took Madeline to the orthodontist and we picked up the broiler chicks on our way home. When I pulled in the driveway about 11 a.m., there was a new calf! I was so relieved. He was standing up even, but soaked to the bone.
After I got the chicks situated I looked out to see what was going on with the cow & calf, but didn't see them. I headed out to see where they were, and about that time Matt pulled in for lunch. We found the mama in the shed, but that newborn baby couldn't navigate the mud and was laying outside the shed in the mud.
Matt looked at me, hitched up his pants, and said, "Now I'm going to go get my @$$ kicked by a cow." He went out, grabbed that calf out of the mud, and hauled him inside the shed.

I ran in the house and grabbed some towels and Matt got him dried off as much as he could, until Mama Cow got really upset and came after her baby.
When Matt did chores after work the calf was still in the shed, and standing up and trying to nurse. So that's good. But I'll be fretting about all 3 of the new babies...the rain is supposed to turn to snow tomorrow afternoon.
3 years ago:
Our new friend Troy
I wish we were having the weather today that we were having on this day 3 years ago!
2 years ago:
Spread a little sunshine
1 year ago:
Spring, O Spring
Awesome photos! Matt is a hero for rescuing that calf out of that thick, sucking mud. Did you pamper your man when he got inside to dry off, clean up and warm up?
Silly Mama cow for being so upset when she could have lost her little one. It looked like the calf had given up, too.
I hope Zorro is ok. We are all pulling for him. He's a strong guy, though.
We got snow last night and it is back to being cold and very windy again here. Bummer.
Poor little guy - great job Matt!! Looks like you guys have lots of mud. I hope he is ok this morning.
It's like you don't have enough worring about kids that you have to worry about the livestock's kids too!!!
What a rescue Matt. You're my hero. What a messy job.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Wow! Shut the flood gates huh? There was that yucky S word! I'll tell ya the weather is weird this year. I hope the little ones stay strong and healthy. Glad Matt won the battle with the cow:) Have a great weekend
It wouldn't be so bad if it was only just mud. I got to do the same thing yesterday.
Oh poor muddy baby. I hope he will be ok.
Great photos right from the front lines of livestock farming!
That look of fierce determination on Matt's face is awesome. Way to go, stud!
Wow, that little guy is lucky Matt came along when he did! Great rescue and your photos are fantastic!
Wow. Sugar Creek Soap Opera Farm indeed!
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