On the Farm 01.04.08

Our pumpkin farmer friends cleaned out the last of their pumpkins, squash and gourds and brought them over for the cows. Even frozen those girls go crazy over them.

This Hereford cow prefers the fancy little decorative gourds. Herefords are refined and classy like that. Except that chewing a frozen gourd with your mouth open is maybe not so refined and classy.

These girls have somehow broken a chunk of shell off a pumpkin and are scooping out the insides.

Apparently that's one good tasting pumpkin. More cows come over for a taste. Cows do not usually share this well.

More cows join the pumpkin feast.

Finally Mr. Bull strolls over to get in on the action.
The pumpkins are not only a treat for the cows, it keeps them entertained!
2 years ago:
Commotion in the coop
1 year ago:
Road ducks
Keeps you entertained too! :-) Somewhere along the line I read that pumpkin seeds deworm as well.
pumpkins yum..
package should arrive today.
Funny! I've never seen cows munching on anything but grass and hay. It looks like the they sure enjoyed the treat.
Who knew. I love your pictures. Will you be allowing people to purchase them not in calendar form?
haymaker - we've been told the same, but haven't done any sort of testing to verify
karl - drat, no package today. Hopefully Monday.
meg - the first year it took them awhile to get the hang of it. We had to break the pumpkins open for them. Once they got a taste for them they got good and cracking them open themselves.
frugalmom - funny you should ask :) I will in fact be offering my photos for purchase, as well licensing images for publication. Once we get thru year-end financials and taxes I'll be working on getting that up and running.
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