
Ollie is such an unassuming fellow. He doesn't clamor for the limelight, like those glory-seeking cows.

Here's Ollie and the hole he's digging to China.

Hey there good looking!

Nice tusks!

Oh, now you are showing off!
h g
~ Our One Wild and Precious Life ~
You name them, then eat them? I thought that was against the rules.
I'd love to learn more about your farm. May I email you directly?
that makes me want a big ol' pig for christmas!!
jennifer - Ollie is our breeding boar, so we won't be eating him. But yes, we do name some of the animals that we eventually eat, I'd say the cattle more than any other animal. Mainly because we have a need to refer to them individually more than any other animal. It's never bothered me, or the kids.
susan sophia - you certainly may! themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net
stacie - careful what you wish for - Santa might just leave one under your tree :)
I've never seen a pig that looks quite like Ollie. I love his coloring.
stacy - Ollie is a purebred Berkshire
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