Reach for the sky

Pole beans at dusk
I'm tired tonight, and lazy, so you get the Bulleted List of Randomness:
* We survived a birthday party sleepover with 8 girls last night. It actually went really well and they seemed to have a lot of fun. My aunt & uncle took us all for a ride up the river on their pontoon, and let the girls off to swim for a while. Pizza in the park afterwards then back to the farm where, of all things, they played in the corn wagon until I finally made them get out at 11 p.m. This morning they played with the pigs, jumped on the trampoline, and took turns riding the horse.
* For some reason I am not in the mood to garden or freeze or can this year. I think I'm overwhelmed by the amount of stuff on my To Do List. In my computer programmer world this is called "Analysis Paralysis". So tonight I did 6 quarts of pickles and a couple quart freezer bags of broccoli, trying to get things jumpstarted. I'm not sure it really worked.
* Tomorrow is farmers market. I'm starting to run out of things, which is good and bad at the same time. This is our first year at market, we came with what we had in the freezer, and weren't sure what to expect. So I'm glad people are liking what we do, but I hate to disappoint anyone by being sold out of something they want. It will be nice next year when we actually plan ahead for it.
* However people seem reluctant to try the "hot sausage". It's really not that hot. I'm not a lover of tear-inducing hotness. The sausage has a bite, but I wouldn't call it hot. Maybe just spicy. Anyway, those of you coming to farmers market tomorrow - give it a try!
I LIKE mine a little spicy without a lot of sage(but some).
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