Eating from the freezer

Green & red peppers saute as stovetop chicken looks on
Friday afternoon I reorganized one of our chest freezers. A while back we switched our upright freezer over to a farm business freezer, so all of our personal items from that got thrown in this chest freezer. And then when we got new flooring in the kitchen a few weeks ago, all of the items in the refrigerator freezer got thrown in as well.
People, I need corn recipes.
We have 45 quart bags of corn from 2005! And 35 from 2006.
So here's the first corn recipe. 1 down, 79 to go.
Fresh Corn Saute from "Simply in Season"
3 T. butter
1 c. green peppers (chopped)
1/2 cup onion (chopped)
Note: I didn't have any onion, so I just used 1-1/2 c. peppers. The peppers were some from the garden that I chopped and froze last summer - great thing to have in the freezer, quick and easy to use!
Melt butter in frypan. Saute green pepper and onion 2 minutes.
4 c. corn
1/4 c. water
1 T. honey
1 t. salt
pepper to taste
2 T. red sweet pepper (diced; optional)
Add and stir well. Cover and cook over medium heat 10-12 minutes.
1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
Sprinkle over corn and serve.
Note: Here's another shortcut - whenever I have a recipe that calls for a few slices of bacon I cook a whole package, then crumble and freeze the leftovers.
We also had grilled round steaks (our own beef from the freezer, of course). Another simple, easy recipe. Pour a can of beer over a 1 to 2 pound tenderized round steak. Marinate for at least an hour in the refrigerator. Drain off the beer. Mix together 4 t. brown sugar, 1 t. msg-free seasoned salt, and some pepper. Rub onto the steak and marinate at least another half hour in the refrigerator. Then grill or broil.
Even dessert came from the freezer. Last summer when eggs were plentiful I'd baked and frozen angel food cakes. One of those, along with a quart of frozen strawberries from our garden, went into this recipe:
No-Bake Strawberry Dessert
from the "Therese Halbach Education Memorial" cookbook
(1) 10.5 oz angel food cake, torn into 1" pieces
(1) 2.3 oz pkg strawberry gelatin
2 c. boiling water
(1) 20 oz pkg. frozen unsweetened whole strawberries, thawed
2 c. cold milk
(1) pkg instant vanilla pudding mix
(1) 8 oz carton frozen whipped topping, thawed
Arrange cake pieces in a single layer in a 9x13x2-inch cakepan. In a bowl, dissolve gelatin in boiling water; stir in strawberries. Pour over cake and gently press cake down. Refrigerate until set, about 1 hour. In a bowl, whisk milk and pudding mix for 2 minutes, or until slightly thickened. Spoon over gelatin layer. Spread with whipped topping. Refrigerate before serving.
See It's All About THEM for more information on the good things that are done with proceeds from the sale of this wonderful cookbook.
Meals like this are what make all that work last summer worth it!
That sounds like a wonderful meal. What a blessing to know that you raised/made all that food.
Just found your site!
It has been my goal to go through my freezer and start eating the food instead of letting it sit!
My canning cupboard is down to applesauce, chutney, peaches and zucchini relish. Our most loved tuna (can 100# every yr) is gone, along with pears and beets.
Yummy recipes!
I *adore* your stovetop chicken!!
This is a great corn recipe, but likely won’t work well with your freezer corn. I came up with it to deal with corn that was harvested well beyond prime, so far beyond that the kernels had dented and were becoming hard. You know the kind I mean, too mature to interest a good cook. Think again. I love this recipe so much that this year I’ll leave some corn on the stalk too long intentionally. (I’ve only made this recipe with sweet corn, but I see no reason you can’t use field corn. Maybe just increase the sugar by a tablespoon.)
2 ears over-mature corn (so far along that it dents)
2 eggs
2 Tablespoons sugar
3 Tablespoons self-rising flour
Boil corn, cut from cob and place in a blender. Add enough milk to make 3 cups. Blend until the kernels are well chopped. Add salt to taste. (Do this before adding eggs.) Add eggs, sugar and flour. Blend well. Pour into a 1 quart baker (spoonbread baker is fine) and cook for 45-60 minutes at 350. Top should break open and just begin to brown. Serve hot with honey drizzled over it. Great reheated with honey drizzled over it. For that matter, serve cold with honey drizzled over it. It’s that good.
Ang - I haven't tried corn fritters, but they are definitely on my list!
Sandy - feel free to send some of that applesauce, chutney or peaches my way if you need some help cleaning out your canning cupboard :)
Caroline - thanks! She was a gift.
Gin - that recipe sounds delish! I'm going to file it to try this summer.
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