Happy 2007

10-Grain Bread loaves I baked as a Christmas gift
So, vacation's over. I enjoyed a much-needed break from my computers. But tomorrow it's back to the day job.
Being an everyday listmaker, you can imagine that the New Year's Resolution List is something I jump into with gusto. A couple of years ago I stole an idea from Superhero Journal - a multi-list concept, you can go read about it over there.
One of my "10 Things I Intend to Create in My Life in 2007" was this:
To continue to cultivate peace and contentment in my life
But the word "contentment" is troublesome to me. It's definition is "happiness with one's situation in life." It implies a sort of endplace, where you need nothing more than what you have.
It's true that I need nothing more than what I have right now. I'm happy in my life, happy in the people and activities that make up my days. And yet I'm a person that is constantly trying to grow, learn, change, push my limits. I have dreams that I want to work toward. But when I voice those desires, my dear husband invariably accuses me of being discontent.
So what do you think, dear reader? What is your definition of contentment?
(And coincidentally, I read this post after I wrote this one. She points right at what I'm trying to get at, but with so much more poetry. Simply beautiful.)
I like to consider contentment like a long staircase. You can be happy with the step you are on, and not tear yourself up over not being five steps further, but it doesn't mean you have to stay on that step. But what do I know about contentment?
hmmmm...contentment is a tricky thing. I think you can be content and still desire more... wait, that is a toughy! I myself have itchy feet. I love to travel and I love to uproot and move. I have lived in my current town for 6 years now, and feel itchy. Even though I love my house, my land, my garden!
Wonderful blog. I'm from DSM and wirte a couple blogs - one about crafting that includes link to this blog - I think you'll find some kinship there with your bread baking. Thanks again for a great blog.
Christi at http://popsiclestick.squarespace.com/
Contentment to me is the feeling of genuine appreciation for where you are right at the moment -- coupled with the desire to linger for a while (but perhaps not always for long). To me it's about noticing and embracing the small moments, and allowing them to matter more than what doesn't currently exist in your world. It's about allowing yourself to completely relax into the simplicity and joy of those things that bring meeaning to your world; about noticing and being really present within the moment.
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts, I've loved reading them! Patti - thank you for those verses. I'll be adding them to my "favorite Bible verses" journal.
Worded as it is, "continue to cultivate", obviously this is something I've been working on a while. Working on patience came first. And then in the past year there was a direct correlation between the increased amount of time I spent in prayer and Bible study, and the increased amount of peace and contentment (and patience) I felt.
I am not a patient person. I've always believed God has a plan for my life, but I also always just wanted Him to "get on with it already". I've struggled to find a balance between trying to make things happen on the one hand, (thereby taking the reigns away from God,) and feeling like I'm just sitting around waiting for God to make things happen for me on the other hand. This was the impetus behind spending extra time in prayer - trying first to listen and discern His will and then doing what I can to fulfill it.
That is where I've changed, learning to be content with where I am right now, to be content with the point I'm at on God's timeline for me, not trying to rush ahead but give everything it's due season. Learning patience has been a big part of learning contentment for me.
And thank God those things can be learned :) Though at 36 years old, I feel like I should have already learned them about 10 years ago!
spending time in prayer or meditation has the unique ability to change your perspective, however so slight. in doing so it makes the rest of the days activities have more meaning. a perspective change can give clarity which can help too.
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