They just keep on keepin' on

I keep thinking that the beans are done. Really. I've almost ripped them out twice now. But these heritage beans, they just keep on keepin' on. The Energizer Bunnies of beans. The few (free) hybrid seeds we planted are long gone. But not these - Lazy Housewife and Kentucky Wonder Pole, Empress and Kentucky Wonder Bush. They're doers. And there are still blossoms on those plants out there.
Matt picked all of these Saturday morning, while I was at the church practicing the organ for my cousin's wedding. Then Sunday morning, once we all rolled rather tiredly out of bed after the late night wedding dance, we sat around and snapped beans. And drafted my other cousin and her girls into service as well. And they don't even like green beans! They may never spend a night with us again.
The freezer is already brimming with bags of frozen beans, so Matt pressure canned these. I don't like the flavor of canned beans as well, but they are handy when you need a quick vegetable on busy nights.
we are also impressed with our heirloom beans, especially the local missouri rattlesnake pole-bean.
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