Chix Oh Six

On our way back from Iowa City this afternoon we swung by Rudd to pick up our chicks from the hatchery. And we had a nice surprise waiting for us. We got started chicks! Instead of being day-olds, they were 4-day-olds. It definitely makes a difference in the brooder - these guys already know what food is!
As for Olivia's outcome...more surgery. I think the 4th doctor that looked at her summed it up nicely. As soon as he looked in her ear he exclaimed, "Whoa! Yeah, that's gonna need to be fixed." So in May she'll have reconstructive surgery on her ear drum and ear canal. I feel so sorry for her, and I hope this will finally do the trick.
I really am sorry for your girl's ear. We never did the tubes thing with our little ones, but the need never presented itself.
Also, I hope you weren't menaced by that tornado when you were in Iowa City. I passed through there a few weeks ago on the way to Muscatine. If you ever need to know of a good bed and breakfast in Muscatine, just ask me.
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